Setting up your first CarPlay "app"

Getting started with CarPlay is easier than you think. In this post I will walk you through how to setup CarPlay and get started using CarPlay in your simulator.

Creating an API serving CoreML results

Machine Learning is the future, and for iOS developers that future is packaged with something called CoreML. In this post we're trying to setup an API using Vapor which will serve us the CoreML results.

A simple network manager in Swift

Network requests is something that basically every app needs and can be made many different ways. In this article you'll learn how to make these requests without adding extra unneeded libraries.

Failing safely in iOS Development

Anybody who has written more than one line of code will tell you that every systems has bugs. Sometimes these bugs result in crashes and sometimes they result in unwanted behavior. This, however, is not a reason to fail fast.

New & Refreshed!

I've launched a new version of, since ages that the domain was empty. This why I relaunched